Discover the Mannavibes App functions
Thirteen powerful standard App functions included with the purchase of the Xtal.
Brings the body into a state of coherence - an orderly and harmonious synchronization among various systems of the body, such as heart, respiratory, and blood pressure rhythms. The strong Electro Magnetic Field of the heart is responsible for an energy information process imprinted throughout the body - literally into every cell.
Resonates with: general healing support, chronic discomfort recovery, energy depletion, recovery of cells.
Love helps clear traumas. Self-love and forgiveness of the self and others, are essential for healing any traumas or chronic physical discomfort which are a result from traumatic experience. Using Love and Resonance I prior to any other Mannavibes functions is an excellent primer for therapeutic progression.
Pain is a physical signal alerting us that something is wrong. The cause of this might be disease, injury, or mental or emotional suffering. Instead of suppressing such important warning signals, pain can be directly addressed by healing messages, or recalibration signals, in this function. (Note: The effectiveness might be supported or hindered by memory, specifically old traumas stored in body tissues, as well as emotional realization and awareness)
On an energetic level, the muscles and connective tissues hold onto tension. Imagine it as cookies on a computer drive; they might have been effective running certain programs at one time, but they become hindering when they accumulate over time and interfere with new programs. Tension can be directly addressed by sending "erase" messages in this function, even through the subtle sensation generated by Xtal.
Supports the mind in coming to a relaxed state and letting go of worries, which may obstruct the efficiency of healing. A positive mindset and hopefulness contribute significantly to healing methods, and emotional relaxation can be directly addressed by sending calming messages included in this function. (Note: The mind is not just in the brain but also the gut, so applying this to the stomach area is also effective.)
This function is a combination of pain relief, tension release, and chill. It is recommended for acute severe discomfort treatment and severe chronic pain, such as nerve pain of any kind. Resonates with: Acute or severe discomfort, chronic pain, nerve pain.
Use the same steps as outlined for pain relief. Apply on the area of complaint.
Resonates with: Acute or severe discomfort, chronic pain, nerve pain.
This function brings the mind and body to a relaxed state, making it easier to drift into a deep, peaceful sleep. It is essential for body cells, as our bodies recover and refresh during sleeping.
This function is used to support the energy and information transfer through the matrix of the body, including collagen fibers and fascia for all muscles and organs.
Resonates with: general balancing, chakras, arthritis, Lyme disease, amygdala, stress, depression, headaches, ears, eyes, intestines, liver, gallbladder, gluten sensitivity, female fertility, prostate, thyroid, pancreas, geopathic stress, heart, hemorrhoids, skin and cold sores, hip, feet, muscles, spirituality, body earth connection, e-smog
This function is used on all parts of the body where energy production of cells is depleted, fatigued, or there is an increased need due to pain, injury, or inflammation. It is also suitable for all organs, especially the liver.
Resonates with: energy depletion/recovery, fatigue, pain/injury, support, inflammation, liver, organs in general.
This function is to support cell communication – in every cell. It can be used everywhere on the body, especially on the feet and around the head and heart, for any kind of physical problem, and for emotional clarity, including stressful states of anxiety
Resonates with: General balancing (emotional and physical), memory, lower chakras, amygdala, pons, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, ear, eye (retina), macula, harmful radiation, ovaries, vasoconstriction, kidneys, weight loss, shin splints, pancreas, skin, stress, angelic and spiritual protection.
Supports liver cells and their metabolism for optimal detoxification. Purification also supports other symptoms related to liver function, including headaches, hangovers, vein issues, metabolism, fat, digestion, hormones, eye problems, and stress.
Resonates with: Liver, gallbladder, veins, hemorrhoids, earth, eyes, macula, retina, metabolism, fat, wound healing, spleen, headaches, hangovers, migraine, heart, multiple sclerosis, stress.
Resonates with most hormonal glands, the chakra system, central nervous system, the emotional heart, liver, and kidneys. In addition, it is great for general energy balancing, connection to earth, food cravings, and low libido (often related to stress and silent chronic inflammation, both of which cause overall low energy levels).
Resonates with: Blood vessels, immune system, hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenals, thyroid gland, thymus, gonads, central nervous system, brain, medulla oblongata, heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, lower lumbar spine, muscles.
Resonates with most hormonal glands, the chakra system, central nervous system, the emotional heart, liver, and kidneys. In addition, it is great for general energy balancing, connection to earth, food cravings, and low libido (often related to stress and silent chronic inflammation, both of which cause overall low energy levels).
Resonates with: Blood vessels, immune system, hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenals, thyroid gland, thymus, gonads, central nervous system, brain, medulla oblongata, heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, lower lumbar spine, muscles.